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Yeshua vs. Paul and other Messianic Controversies. Yovel Hatalmid and Dr. Moshe discuss.

What follows is a discussion that took place via email between myself, Yovel Hatalmid, a former Yeshiva student and eternal follower of Melech HaMashiach Yeshua and Moshe, the founder of this Messianic Kabbalah blog. Moshe begins the discussion by referencing what he has gleaned from my yet to be published book titled “Christians Repent.” Moshe’s

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Dr. Moshe

A Universal Jew, Kabbalist, huge fan of Yeshua, Moshe Daniel Block (aka Dr. Moshe) is a Naturopathic doctor, Homeopath, Musician, Author, Inventor, and Hermeticist.